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Wire crimping pliers
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Whetting hammer
Hammer (approx. 400-600 gr) with double pin and short (approx. 20 cm) wooden handle. In addition to the whetting anvil, the whetting hammer is part of the whetting utensils with which one sharpens the cut of the scythe or flemish scythe by hitting it thinly. In this work, the mower strikes the blade, always in the direction of the cut, causing the hammer to drop parallel to the blade and the edge. Can be distinguished from the sawset hammer, which is lighter and has a longer handle. [MOT]
Wire drawer
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Wire cutting pliers
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This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>
Wire whisk
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Woodman's axe
Axe used to fell young trees, to remove branches from a felled tree, to prune, to chop firewood on the log, etc. There are all kinds of shapes, sometimes even a miner's axe or a heavy carpenter's axe is used. However, it is usually an axe of about 0.7-1.3 kg, with an eye and two bevels. The stem is about 30 cm long. The axes for chopping firewood (see splitting axe) are very similar to some woodcutter's axes but are lighter. These axes can be distinguished from the fireman's axe, the felling axe and the topping axe. [MOT]
Woodman's grip
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This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>
1, Angkor,Cambodja, Angkor,Cambodja