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Wheeled verge cutter
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Watch key
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Wooden edge tool
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Wooden spoon
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Wood hook
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Window reacher
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Trimmer for horses and cattle
In addition to the hairdresser's trimmer, and those for dogs and sheep, there is a larger model for horses and cattle. It is quite heavy (almost 400 gr) and is used with both hands. Two metal arms, which rotate on a spindle, each end in turn in a rectangular blade, which is mounted either forwards or sideways. The lower rectangular blade is larger (about 8 cm by 4 cm) than the top one (about 7.5 cm by 3.5 cm) and both have 32 teeth for the horses on the upper long side. By moving the arms apart or together, the serrated blades slide horizontally over each other. The hair that ends up between the teeth is cut off in no time. The same model but with 17 teeth is used for cattle. See also the dog dresser's knife and the trimmer for dogs and sheep. [MOT]
Turf cutting axe
Axe with large, heavy and thick (approx. 5 mm), rectangular (approx. 40 cm by 10 cm) or crescent-shaped (1) iron blade that is connected to a long (approx. 100 cm) curved stem. The cut of the blade and the tip of the stem form an angle of about 45 °. The turf cutting axe serves to cut through the sod - with tough roots - in superficial peat extraction, but also, for example, where a trench will be dug with the spade to lay drainage pipes (see drain ladle and pipe layer). When cutting turf to protect dikes or embankments, a turf axe is also often used to divide the area of the meadow into long strips, which are then cut across with the garden spade and then loosened with the paring spade (2). Such an axe is also sometimes used as a dung axe, to cut through the caked manure of the stable. See also the flauchter spade and sod cutter. [MOT] (1) Eg. DEBY from DAVID 1975: 140. (2) Eg. FRICK & CANAUD: 508.
Turner's gouge
The gouge is the turner's most important tool: he transforms the shape of a wooden object with different gouges. The wheelwright also uses it to form the wheel hub. [MOT]