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Bow saw
The rotary saw is a span saw of approx. 60 cm, very similar to the rip saw but with a narrow blade (1 cm) and relatively wide set teeth so that it can easily follow curved lines. Thanks to the knobs that stop it at both ends, the blade in its frame can be turned in all directions. It can also be detached for insertion through a hole drilled in a shelf. This saw is handled vertically. See also the ordinary span saw. [MOT]
Boot hook
A sturdy metal hook (approx. 10-23 cm) with a wooden, bone or metal T-handle (sometimes a ring, see boot jack) with which to put on high boots. Sometimes a button hook and a punch were forged on the end of the T-handle (1).The boot hook is inserted into the strap that is attached to the top of the boot; then the foot is put into the boot and the boot is put on. When the boot has two straps, two boot hooks can be used.The hook may have a decorated shank or a spherical button on the end to prevent the hook from slipping out of the strap; some are foldable.A boot jack can be used to take off boots easily. [MOT](1) David Stanley Auctions. 65th international auction 28th March 2015: 11.
Bottom glazer
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Bottom fuller
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Bottom swage
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Bread knife
Knife with a fairly rigid, straight and long (approx. 20-30 cm) blade, so that even large breads can be cut. You can also cut a cake horizontally with it to spread a layer of whipped cream, pudding, etc. The bread was often cut on the breast, so with the cut towards you. That's why bread knives were made with a hook-shaped handle so that the hand would not slip. In order to be able to exert a greater force with less effort, knives were also made with a support for the forearm (1) or with loose supports through which the blade protruded. There is also a more or less sickle-shaped bread knife with a smooth edge that was also used on the chest. The cut can be smooth, wavy (2) or serrated (see also frozen-food knife knife and snow saw). With teeth it is easier to get through the crust. There are also bread knives that have a cut on both sides, eg one wavy and one with teeth. To facilitate regular cutting, guides were made that could be attached to the blade of any knife and knives with built-in...
This text can only be consulted in Dutch. See also the corner brace. [MOT]
Branding iron
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Box spanner
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