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Bench hammer
Hammer of various shapes, some models of which are very similar to a joiner's hammer. The peen, which can be at right angles to or in the same direction as the stem, is wedge-shaped or has been replaced by a sphere. The tool weighs between 100 and 1300 g. The bench fitter, but also the blacksmith, the car repairer and even the joiner use the bench hammer for all kinds of work. The silversmith uses a bench hammer with a convex peen to knock the inlay metal into place in so-called parquet (1). To be distinguished from the forging hammer which is heavier. See also the whetting anvil. [MOT] (1) Technique in which molds of different metals are placed in a closely contiguous "patch pattern".
Bench shear
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Bilberry picker
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Bleacher's shovel
Wooden, long (approx. 2-2.15 m) gutter-shaped shovel with which the bleacher sprayed the linnen - which was spread out on the meadow - with water from the ditch. The combination of the sunlight, the grass on which the linnen was laid and the water made the gray linnen white in colour. In Germany a copper spoon which somewhat resembles the liquid manure scoop, or a watering can was used for this purpose (1). See also the mud scuppit. [MOT] (1) "Die grosse Wäsche'': 161.
Bill hook
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This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>
Bench holdfast
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Blow pipe (silversmith)
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Bolt cutters
With these heavy duty wire cutters you can cut reinforcing bar. The military uses a folding model to cut heavy wire or fencing. More technical information on our Dutch pages. [MOT]
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