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Lead working stick
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The plumber uses this S-shaped blunt chisel, often with a curved cut, to drive lead and work, i.e., fluffed ropes, into the collar of a cast iron pipe so that it is watertight. It is struck with a hammer. [MOT]
Thatching knife
This thatcher's knife is a large knife (approx. 50 cm long) with a rounded edge that resembles the fish chopping knife but with a firmer blade. It is used by the roofer to trim reed or straw and he can occasionally use it to cut the twine of the reed bundles or the ribbon straw of the sheaves, similar to the sheaf-knife. [MOT]
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This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>
This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>
Stave splitter
Ham boner
The ham boner is a gouge to remove the thighbone or buttock of a ham or leg of lamb without cutting open or damaging the meat (muscle tissue). It is a sturdy gouge with a long (approx. 15-20 cm) and fairly wide (approx. 2-3 cm) blade that has a bevel on the outside, attached in a wooden or plastic handle. The concave shape of the blade slides easily on the bone and the bevel on the outside ensures that the meat comes off without much effort and is damaged as little as possible. The working part is sometimes slightly bent in length. See also the boning knife. [MOT]
Chestnut skin tongs
After the husk and skin of the chestnut have been removed, the small membrane of the skin of the fruit must be detached. This can be done by pouring the fruits into a kettle of boiling water and making cutting and twisting movements with these chestnut skin tongs (1). Friction and heat loosen the membrane. The chestnut fleece pliers consist of two approx. 35-60 cm long wooden rods that are connected approximately in the middle by a (copper) screw. The bars are square in section and have triangular notches on the four edges for a better grip on the chestnuts. The part of the bars that acts as a handle is square or round in cross section. [MOT] (1) The proper name of these particular tongs in English is yet unknown.
Capsule stamping tool
This tool places a capsule - i.e. a metal cap with pegs at the bottom (1) - over the spigot of a wine barrel, so that it is sealed and ready for transport. The tool is knocked with a hammer and the capsule is driven into the wine barrel. (1) The capsule can be marked with the mark (number) of the seller or with motifs related to wine growing such as a bunch of grapes. Yellow capsules are used for white wine, while red capsules are used for red wine (BRUNET 1925: 262).