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Clogs that are nailed to a shelf (approx. 30 by 40 cm) and with which the gardener tamps the soil after sowing. The clogs are sometimes replaced by a shelf with straps that you fasten around your shoe; or fitted with ropes held taut by hand (1).The peat-cutter uses such clogs to tamp the spread wet dredge spoil to squeeze the water out before it is distributed with the mud-marking iron.To walk on muddy surfaces, trips are attached under the shoes or boots; there the aim is to increase support. [MOT](1) Eg. CROMPVOETS & VINEYARD ep.2: 169.
Fagot fork
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For more technical information about this iron hand tool of the osier worker, see the dutch version of this page. For maintenance works, in addition to a spade and an axe, the osier worker uses this iron tool to dig up dead tree stumps by stabbing its thick roots and then pounding it through the head of the stump, in order to be able to turn the latter on its axis, until it has come loose from its roots.The tool is also used to split tree stumps to make firewood. [MOT]
Mudguard punch
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This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>
These wrought iron pliers are used to pull out posts. In hop cultivation, this tool is used in combination with a lever to pull the stakes out of the ground every year. To be distinguished from the stone cutter's scissors. See also this associated tool. [MOT]
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This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>
Spade mould
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This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>