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Thorn-hedge shears
Thorn-hedge shears are used to prune thorny shrubs and to cut branches that are too thick for the pruning shears (up to approx. 2,5-3 cm) The osier worker sometimes uses shears with bent arms to reduce the need to bend down to cut close to the ground. See also hedge shears. More technical information on the dutch version of this page. [MOT]
Tie tongs
Railway workers can easily move railroad ties or sleepers with these carrying tongs. The jaws are adapted to the load as there are carrying tongs for road curbs, crucibles, railroad tracks, etc. The arms move away from each other so that they automatically clamp when the tool is lifted. These tongs are one of the few tongs that are handled by two people. See also the two handled lifting tongs of a lumberman. [MOT]
Tea ball
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Syringer for flowers
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Tailor's scissors
Tailor's scissors are large (approx. 25-40 cm) scissors, completely made of metal or with plastic-covered arms. The arms bent upwards so that it can remain flat while cutting the fabric. [MOT]
The swatter is made of a ponytail tied to a 20-30 cm stem. With this tool, the flies are chased away when shoeing or caring for nervous horses. The tool can be distinguished from the fly swatter that kills the flies. [MOT]
Tea strainer
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Thistle spud
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Timber girthing sword
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This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>