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A sleeker has a rectangular (approx. 10-15 cm long) blade of stone - usually slate - metal or glass (1), one long side of which protrudes into a wooden handle that must be gripped with two hands. The tanner uses the sleeker to stretch, smooth, polish and push the moisture out of the leather. [MOT](1) See SALAMAN 1986: 313.
Sole knife
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Sloyd knife
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Smoothing plane
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Spade with long (approx. 30-40 cm) and narrow (approx. 10-17 cm) blade that is slightly curved in relation to a T or D handle (70-95 cm). To make it easier to penetrate into the ground, the edge of the blade is often slightly curved and usually narrows a few centimeters downwards (1). The top is sometimes provided with a footrest to prevent damage to the user's shoe. To prevent the clay soil from sticking to the blade, the latter is dipped into a bucket of water before each stitch; sometimes dents are punched in the concave side of the blade with a hammer. In the 19th century, a wooden, studded blade was also used in light soil in addition to the steel spade (2). Exceptionally, an extension piece is sometimes attached to the top of the blade of the garden spade instead of the sting spade in order to dig deeper (3). A spade is used for digging or digging deep, i.e. working the soil two, three or four stitches deep (4). It is also used to extract peat or to transplant plants or crops with...
Spiral whisk
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Splinter tweezers
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Splitting chisel
All-metal chisel approx. 20-50 cm long to cut a narrow groove in a metal plate to make it easier to break or in a horseshoe where the holes for the horseshoe nails will be driven. The splitting chisel has a fairly narrow cut (approx. 9-13 mm) which is ground at an angle of approx. 60 °. This allows you to work with it to a fairly great depth. The whole is usually rectangular in cross section. To be distinguished from the stonecutter's splitter. [MOT]
Kitchen scraper
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Splitting axe
The splitting axe is used to split firewood. It consists of a straight handle of approx. 70-80 cm and a heavy (3-4 kg) iron with a triangular cross section, in which, at the end, an eye is forged. The cut is often longer than the body itself is high. The splitting axe is never hit (cf. splitting wedge with handle). See also splitting wedge. [MOT]