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Stone-dressing axe
Axe-shaped tool with one, usually two axe-shaped, straight cutting edges that are in the same plane as the handle (approx. 40-60 cm), for working natural stone. The cutting edge has an angle between 10 ° - for working soft stone types - and 40 ° for hard stone types. The stonemason uses this dressing axe mainly to remove the excess material from soft stones. It is also used to flatten natural stone after it has been roughly worked with the stone-dressing pick or the pointed chisel, as well as in finishing to give the stone a ribbed appearance (see also charring chisel). [MOT]
Hay thief
The hay thief is used to pull a tuft of hay from the interior of a haystack or the hayloft. That sample can then be examined for condition and quality. After all, it is important to check whether the hay inside is dry, both for the nutritional value and for safety (self-ignition). The hay thief usually consists (1) of an iron rod (approx. 30 cm) ending in a point and fitted with a barb with a slightly curved point at approx. 5 cm from the end (2). The straight wooden stem measures approx. 80 cm. Sometimes the tool is made entirely of iron and the rod ends in an eye (3). [MOT] (1) According to DAVID 1973: 25 there are also completely wooden hay hooks. (2) SELLENS: 233 states that a hay thief can count two or more hooks. (3) Eg. DEVLIEGHER: 82.
Hay rake
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Hat brush
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This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>
Hoof nipper
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The hoofpick is an iron or plastic hook (approx. 15 cm long) that removes dirt from the hooves of a horse. The hand tool is often combined with a stud tap or a brush, sometimes whit a ring spanner. It is often part of the horseman's folding knife. [MOT]
Hoof tester
Pliers with which the farrier examines sick, painful hooves. Pain can arise in the hoof because changes in shape of the horny parts exert a pressure on the parts located therein and because internal parts of the hoof are swollen and therefore exert direct pressure on the nerves of the hoof.The hoof tester is a fairly large pair of tongs (approx. 30-40 cm long) with a jaw that can open wide so that the hoof can between them. The jaws are rectangular or round in cross section and have studs on the end. The different parts of the hoof are pinched with the forceps; Based on the reaction of the horse, one can determine the painful place. [MOT]
Hedge shears
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Hay hook
Hand tool used by the farmer to move bales of straw. It is a hook-shaped iron with a ring as a handle. Distinguishable from the cotton hook which is lighter and usually shorter. [MOT]