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Cork squeezer
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Cooper's timber scribe
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Coal scoop
Metal shovel with a flat or concave elongated blade (approx. 10-15 cm wide; approx. 20-25 cm long) with raised edges for scooping small amounts of coal into the stove. It can be made entirely of metal or have a metal blade attached to a wooden handle. It is often decorated and combined with the coal bin. See also coal scoop (brick maker) and charging shovel. [MOT]
Cork driver
Monoxile hand tool with a flat, often oval-shaped part that is tapped. It has a straight handle - distinguishable from the laundry beater - for knocking the cork into the bottle. Bottles can also be corked with a corking machine. [MOT]
Cork cutter sharpener
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Cork puller
When a bottle is uncorked and the cork accidentally ends up in the bottle, it can easily be removed with a cork puller. It consists of three long, narrow metal wires that are bent at the end and with which the cork can be grasped and pulled out of the bottle. [MOT]
Corner-rounding plane (Japanese)
The Japanese corner-rounding plane (1). (1) ODATE: 118.
Cork screw
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Crandall hammer
Hand tool of a stonecutter to hammer away the irregularities on a hard stone face. It is composed of a number of pointed irons, held together in a bracket with a locking wedge. The handle can be wood or metal. Since the irons are easily exchangeable, they can be individually sharpened or forged. This hand tool is no longer actively used. (1) See also the bush hammer. [MOT] (1) Due to the excessive dust formation, it would already be prohibited in the Netherlands in 1921. See JANSE 1997: 26.
Cotton hook
Hand tool that can be used to move bales. It may be a metal S-shaped hook (approx. 20 cm long; approx. 300 gr) with a wooden T-shaped handle, similar to the wood hook and the box hook. It can also be a double crochet. See also this cargo hook. [MOT]