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Sleeker (moulding)
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Small garden hoe
Hand tool that resembles a garden hoe, but whose thin, sharp blade is usually not symmetrical and the swan-neck shaft and short (approx. 15 cm) wooden handle - is located on the left or right part of the working part . There are also straight models (V Dv 0851). With the small garden hoe, the roots of the weeds are cut just below the surface of the earth, while pulling. The tool is also used in agriculture for hand weeding and beets thinning. See also the scuffle hoe. [MOT]
The sledgehammer is a heavy (up to 5 kg) wooden hammer with a long handle (70-100 cm) for driving posts into the ground, splitting wood, driving a thick peg into a hole, tamping soil (1), etc. The sledgehammer can be made of a rough piece of wood or be fitted with a metal strap. It is made from a knotty piece if possible. See also the slaugther hammer. [MOT] (1) Eg. DE MAS: 382. See also the soil tamper
Socket wrench
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Snow saw
About 50-60 cm long and about 5 cm wide saw with usually very large teeth (1) - compare with the frozen-food knife - with which snow blocks are cut to build an igloo. The length of the hand tool is decisive for the size of the blocks that can be sawn; the width to be able to exert enough force when loosening those blocks (2). Not infrequently, the snow saw is made yourself (3). [MOT] (1) Although long knives without teeth are also used. (2) HAGEN: 56-59. (3) For example PRATER: 82: "use a piece of tempered aluminum alloy about 1/8-inch thick, 2 inches wide and 26 inches long. Attach a wooden handle to one end, leaving 20 inches for the cutting blade. Hacksaw serrations in it for the cutting teeth."
Spade (brickmaker)
To dig clay, a spade is used with a short T handle and a small iron blade that is in the same plane as that handle. The stem length is adapted to the user; the length of the blade decreases as the digger digs out the clay deeper (from about 18 to about 12 cm). The worker forcefully pushes the spade into the ground without using his foot. That is why he makes sure that the edge is always sharp and he regularly visits the blacksmith. [EMABB]
Soap shaver
Flat grater made of sheet iron (approx. 25-35 cm long; approx. 10-12 cm wide), sometimes with a wooden frame, in which fairly large holes have been punched and which is used to grate brown soap for suds. On a flat kitchen grater with grating surfaces with holes of different sizes, one sometimes finds a grater part for soap. [MOT]
Soap saver
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This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>
Butter spoon
Wooden spoon (approx. 20 cm) with a ribbed, concave blade. It is used to take butter from a larger butter block. Sometimes it is also used for kneading and working up the butter, but usually this is done with a butter paddle. See also butter knife. [MOT]