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Shotshell trimmer
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Shoemakers's spindle
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Shotgun shell crimper
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Skinning knife
The skinning knife has a sturdy, saber-shaped blade attached to a wooden or plastic handle. The cut is rounded upwards, which makes the cutting surface larger. With the skinning knife it is possible to separate the skin in one piece from the meat. The skin is pulled away from the flesh and the knife is drawn over and over again along the thin membrane between flesh and skin. [MOT]
Sideways plane
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Sink brush
Brush with stiff bristles or steel wire, often fan-shaped, and a straight or button-shaped handle. It is used to scrub the sink and dirty pots and pans. Modern dish brushes are made of plastic. See also the pan scrubber. [MOT]
Skew chisel
Chisel with one bevel at an angle to the axis of the tool and not perpendicular as with the regular chisel. The skew chisel makes it easy to work in the corners. Especially the joiner and wood engraver use this relatively rare chisel. The tool can be distinguished from the hook and side tool which has two bevels. [MOT]
Side round and side hollow plane
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This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>
Side rabbet plane
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