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Recorder brush
Long (approx. 20 cm), narrow brush with short (approx. 2 cm) woolen threads twisted between an iron wire. The recorder brush is used to dry the condensation in the inside of the flute (hole) after playing. The core gap can simply be blown dry. [MOT]
Scribing pen (Japanese)
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Scraper (cooper)
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Scroll wrench
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Scratch stock
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A scythe is used to cut grass for hay, to harvest grain and to remove weeds. A scythe has a long (approx. 40-100 cm) slightly curved blade with a wide back, ending in a point, which is attached at right angles to a long (approx. 150-200 cm) wooden or iron handle. The connection is done by means of a ring and a wedge or a screw, so that the angle between blade and stem can be changed and the blade is easily removed for whetting (see whetting hammer). The stem can be straight, S-shaped (1) or Y-shaped (2), without handles or with one or two handles, which are adjustable. Sometimes a whetting wood is attached to the straight handle. For haymaking, a scythe is used on which a wooden or iron bracket is attached at the bottom, which drags the cut grass along. That scythe also serves to mow weeds. When working between shrubs, etc., a scythe with a short blade (approx. 40 cm) and without a bracket is preferred. A scythe with one or two wooden brackets is used to harvest the grain. Long culms...
Firmer chisel
Wide chisel (up to 8 cm) with one or two bevels, a tang and a neck, or a socket and a shank, or all metal (1). Unlike the mortise chisel, the firmer chisel is for heavy-duty work: carving out a pin, hollowing out a drill bit hole, etc. The handle is usually fitted with one or two ferrules to prevent cracking. Some chisels with a triangular cross-section, which often get thicker towards the handle (2), are only slightly wider than thick. The Japanese chisel (Japanese: õire nomi), also for the heavier work, is used in a set with different widths and lengths. See also the joiner's gouge. [MOT] (1) See a long specimen (95 cm) in "Les moulins": 24. (2) Eg. GROTH: 196.
Shaving brush
Brush to apply shaving soap before shaving with a razor knife or safety razor. A shaving brush consists of a bundle of neck hair from the badger (1), pig bristles (formerly also horsehair), silk or nylon glued into a handle made of horn or bone, wood, metal, bakelite or plastic. The working part is conical or spherical. The shaving brush is first wetted with hot water and rubbed over the jar of solid shaving soap with circular movements. When using a shaving stick, it is rubbed over the beard to be shaved and brought to a light foamy layer with the wet shaving brush. Shaving cream or gel are sprayed onto the wet shaving brush. The brush is held in such a way that you grab the base of the hair with your fingers. The shaving cream is applied to the beard hair with back and forth movements or with pumping and twisting movements (2). [MOT] (1) The soft badger hairs have a high absorption capacity. (2) DE BROUWER & VAN LIEROP: 96-97.
Seam rubber
Usually wedge-shaped wooden, metal (1) or bone hand tool (approx. 20-25 cm long) with rounded edges and a straight handle, sometimes sculpted in the shape of a piece of rope (2). It is used by the sailmaker to flatten the seams of the sail. The sailmaker sometimes uses the back of his knife for this purpose. See also the closer's hammer and the furrier's rubber. [MOT] (1) NOORDRAVEN & DE BOER: 101. (2) ASHLEY: 20.
Scuffle hoe
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