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Incising knife
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Hoop notching knife
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Jar wrench
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Jar opener
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Jewelers' hammer
The jeweler's hammer is a small (approx. 15-25 cm) and light (approx. 50-100 g) hammer. The head (approx. 7-10 cm) has one wedge-shaped end and one circular or square (approx. 1 cm). The handle is made of wood. Another model is all-metal with a short, round handle. The goldsmith uses this hammer to perform very fine and precise work, such as embossing. [MOT]
Jack plane
The Jack plane is a planer with a square, 50-60 cm long block, with handle, without turning chisel. It is the first plane used to smooth a piece of wood. Since it is intended for rough work, the edge of its chisel is slightly rounded. Then the wood is processed with a jointer plane. [MOT]
Increment borer
The age of a living tree can be determined with an increment borer. This hand tool is mainly used by the forest ranger, the arborist and the dendrochronologist. More technical information on the dutch version of this page. [MOT]
Ice dagger
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Insulation knife
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Read the article on continental jiggers of the carriage maker.