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Marking hammer (lumberman)
Lumberman's hammer bearing the stamp of the owner of the forest or of the timber merchant, serving to mark felled trees on the cross-section. The hammer may have a stamp on one or both sides, or there may be a metal wheel on the handle bearing several letters or numbers so that a combination can be stamped. The stamp hammer can be distinguished from the marking adze, as it has no axe. See also the marking hammer of a tanner and the striking punch. [MOT]
Log roller
The paper log roller is a tool for rolling up and compressing paper from newspapers and magazines into cylindrical briquettes with a diameter of approx. 7 to 10 cm which serve as fuel for the fire. The device consists of a wooden handle and cast iron base with a semicircular container. Laterally, a replaceable iron tube with a longitudinal groove is inserted, onto which a wooden crank is attached. Multiple sheets are folded in half and placed with the fold in the groove. After a few turns of the crank, additional overlapping sheets are inserted until a paper block of the desired thickness is pressed. Dry paper can be easily bound and used as fire starter. Water can also be poured into the tray to wet and compact the paper, which results in slower combustion, provided the briquettes can dry for a sufficient period of time. The briquette press is more common in household goods. See also the briquette mould for charcoal. [MOT]
Marking hammer (tanner)
Wooden hammer with a metal plate on the track, on which a pattern of small nails is attached; those nails can form letters or a figure. The tanner marks the skins with the stamp hammer: when beating the nails, they make holes in the animal skin. See also the marking hammer of a lumberman. [MOT]
Mane comb
A mane comb is a short comb with long thick teeth (approx. 2 - 3.5 cm long, 1 mm thick) made of horn, bronze, copper or aluminum that removes dust and straw from the mane of a horse; it is not recommended to use this tool on the tail as it would rip out the hair (1). A special model is mounted on a short perpendicular handle (2). See also the currycomb which is sometimes combined. [MOT] (1) BENOIST-GIRONIERE: 114. (2) Nouveau Larousse Illustré: s.v. peigne.
Manual chainsaw
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Manure tiller
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Lemon zester
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Mason's line
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Measuring cup
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Lathing hatchet
The lathing hatchet is a light hatchet - distinguishable from the roofer's hammer - of approx. 750 g with eye and with straight, relatively thin handle (approx. 30 cm), the iron of which, attached by one or two metal supports, ends in a square hammer opposite the blade. The top side of the blade is usually straight. In the underside one (sometimes two) notches is often forged to pull out nails. The cut is straight. Sometimes the whole tool, including the handle, is made of metal; the end of the stem is then placed in leather discs or in a wooden handle. However, these shapes seem to be rare in our regions. [MOT]