Marking adze
This marking adze is an axe (1) with hammer - to be distinguished from the
marking hammer of a lumberman - bearing the stamp of the owner of the
forest or of the timber merchant. The forest ranger in particular uses this
hand tool to mark trees (2). On the base or at about 1.20 m, a piece of
bark is cut away with the ax and the stamp is struck on the white spot.
Felled trees are marked on the cross-section, the ax is then useless.
Conversely, sometimes only a strip of bark is cut off and then the stamp is
not used; in the latter case, any ax can be used. [MOT] (1) Marking adze or
marking axe. Both names are given synonymously for marking hammer (SALAMAN:
229). (2) The percussion stamp is rarely used for this (see, however,
CHERBLANC who speaks of a broche à timbrer).