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Flatting hammer
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Forging hammer
The forging hammer is the tool of the blacksmith, with which he does all the forging work, whether or not together with a sledgehammer. It is a fairly heavy (approx. 500-2000 gr) hammer with a fairly thick wedge-shaped peen, which in some cases lies in the same direction as the handle (approx. 30-35 cm). The face is light-convex and the sharp edges must be carefully removed as otherwise the iron to be processed cannot be finished flat (1). Can be distinguished from some models of bench hammers that are lighter. See also the farrier's hammer. [MOT] (1) VAN DONGEN: 78.
Glass cutter
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Glazier's hammer
Hammer (approx. 150-500 gr) with a narrow (approx. 1-2 cm) head used by the glazier to knock small nails into the window frame. There are different models: with two square faces, two round faces and with one round face and a wedge-shaped pin. Often the handle of the glazier's hammer is finished as a glazing lever. To be distinguished from the upholsterer's hammer. [MOT]
Glazing iron
The shoemaker uses this hand tool to give shine to the leather, especially to the sole and heel. It has a beaked, iron, relatively wide (about 2 cm) head attached to a wooden handle. After wax or polish has been applied, the hot glazing iron is rubbed over the leather.Some glazing irons have one stepped side that can be rubbed over the edge of the sole. [MOT]
Groove tapper
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Stone-dressing axe
Axe-shaped tool with one, usually two axe-shaped, straight cutting edges that are in the same plane as the handle (approx. 40-60 cm), for working natural stone. The cutting edge has an angle between 10 ° - for working soft stone types - and 40 ° for hard stone types. The stonemason uses this dressing axe mainly to remove the excess material from soft stones. It is also used to flatten natural stone after it has been roughly worked with the stone-dressing pick or the pointed chisel, as well as in finishing to give the stone a ribbed appearance (see also charring chisel). [MOT]
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