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Corking machine
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Creasing iron
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Crandall hammer
Hand tool of a stonecutter to hammer away the irregularities on a hard stone face. It is composed of a number of pointed irons, held together in a bracket with a locking wedge. The handle can be wood or metal. Since the irons are easily exchangeable, they can be individually sharpened or forged. This hand tool is no longer actively used. (1) See also the bush hammer. [MOT] (1) Due to the excessive dust formation, it would already be prohibited in the Netherlands in 1921. See JANSE 1997: 26.
Crate axe
Some bulky or fragile goods are transported in wooden crates. Sometimes a nail extractor, but usually a crowbar is used to open them. The latter is sometimes combined with an ax and a hammer; it then becomes a crate ax. There are several models of that composite tool. In general, it is made entirely of iron and weighs 0.4-0.8 kg. The handle continues above the ax and the hammer; he forms a crowbar there. Sometimes a drop-shaped hole is drilled in the stem or a notch in the blade of the ax to pull out long nails. [MOT]
Croque-monsieur iron
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Crinkle cutter
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Counter punch
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Crepe spreader
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Thorn-hedge shears
Thorn-hedge shears are used to prune thorny shrubs and to cut branches that are too thick for the pruning shears (up to approx. 2,5-3 cm) The osier worker sometimes uses shears with bent arms to reduce the need to bend down to cut close to the ground. See also hedge shears. More technical information on the dutch version of this page. [MOT]
Tea tongs
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