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Concave plane
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Cold Chisel
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Commander (basket maker)
For more technical information on this hand tool of a basket maker, you can visit the dutch version of this page. [MOT]
Cooper's handle-scraper
Primarily a painter's tool, the handle-scraper is sometimes used to scrape wood smooth, to clean the interior of a barrel, to finish pottery products, etc. It is usually a triangular metal plate (5-14 cm) with a metal rod in the middle of the surface that sticks into a wooden handle. One of the sides can be arcuate. The tool differs from the cooper's inshave drawing knife in that the direction of the blade and that of the machined part are perpendicular to each other. See also the putty scraper for glass and the foam scraper. [MOT]
Cooper's heading drawing knife
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Cookie cutter
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Compass race
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Cooper's bottom chamfering plane
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Cooper's bow compass
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Cooper's chamfering drawing knife
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