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Bouchard (chisel)
Chisel with one or more rows of pyramid-shaped pointed teeth, similar to the head of a bush hammer, for flattening natural stone. The stonecutter uses this chisel together with a metal carver's mallet to smooth uneven surfaces of natural stone, and can therefore work much more accurately than with a bush hammer. [MOT]
This pottery turning hook is a manual tool with a right angle blade (approx. 2 cm by 0.5-1 cm) that can take different shapes: rectangular with or without rounded corners, triangular, etc. It can be made entirely of metal or have a wooden handle . There may also be a spatula-shaped blade at the other end. The turning tool is used by the potter to update the shape of a turned pot while turning. If it is held against the pot, a certain amount of clay is cut off. [MOT]
Thrush poaching tool
This poaching tool was used in some regions in Belgium and France to catch thrushes or catbirds by cutting the bark of a tree to stretch a bow. The catbirds are attracted with berries. The equivalent English name of this tool is unknown. More technical information on this page in dutch. [MOT]
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This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>
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This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>
Emasculator (for piglet)
Piglets are usually neutered in their first three weeks of life. This is done in the following way: After an incision has been made in the scrotum with a scalpel - so that the testes are free to hang - the spermatic cord is twisted until it breaks. In young piglets this is done with the help of a few clamping pliers or even by hand. On piglets of several months old, the spermatic cord is already relatively large and castration is done with an emasculator (1). One jaw is rectangular (approx. 5 cm by 1 cm) with an elongated cutout that has grooves on one side and a sharp cut on the other, the other jaw has a concave cut. The jaws can be screwed on using a clamping screw. After the incision, the spermatic cord is caught with the jaws, which are squeezed tightly and tightened with the clamping screw; The forceps are turned a few times until the spermatic cord breaks and then they are squeezed completely closed so that the testicle is cut off. See also castration tongs. [MOT] (1) See BERTHELON.
Castration tongs
The castration tongs (1) are relatively heavy (approx. 2-5 kg) tongs with long arms (approx. 30 cm) and a wide beak (approx. 8 cm) with strongly curved jaws, which are used to castrate bulls. If necessary, there is a U-shaped bracket on the underside of one of the arms that can be placed on the knee as support. The jaws of the forceps are placed successively behind both testicles - at the level of the spermatic cord - and the forceps are squeezed closed for about thirty seconds. After a few days, the scrotum begins to shrivel; the testicles shrink and die. See also the emasculator scissors. [MOT] (1) See BERTHELON.