Cleaving iron, froe
The cleaving iron or froe is used to split laths and staves. When the trunk
is sawn into pieces, the craftsman splits a piece into four or eight with a
splitting wedge or with a splitting wedge with handle. Depending on the
thickness of the triangular cross-section pieces obtained and the type of
laths, these pieces are first divided into two or four with a straight froe
or with a hollow froe. To do this, they are clamped in a wooden frame (1).
The blade is placed on the cross-section and beaten with a wooden
froe-maul. The stem is then pulled down so that the gap widens and the tool
can be pushed into it. Then those pieces are split further with a straight
froe that is usually less thick and sharper than the first. It is handled
in the same way, but the craftsman usually does not use a hammer to drive
the tool into the wood. When the lath gets too thick or too thin, he pulls
or pushes the stem down or up to cut into the wood. The laths can be split
quarter-hourly or flat, i.e. radially...