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Infantry scoop
Infantry scoop of the military. This text can only be consulted in Dutch. [MOT]
Ice hook
Hand tool used to move the large blocks of ice that are used to keep food and drinks cool. It has an L-shaped metal hook with a pointed and slightly bent end, which is screwed to a relatively long (approx. 30-40 cm) wooden handle. [MOT]
Incising knife
This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>
Insulation knife
This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>
Lathing hatchet
The lathing hatchet is a light hatchet - distinguishable from the roofer's hammer - of approx. 750 g with eye and with straight, relatively thin handle (approx. 30 cm), the iron of which, attached by one or two metal supports, ends in a square hammer opposite the blade. The top side of the blade is usually straight. In the underside one (sometimes two) notches is often forged to pull out nails. The cut is straight. Sometimes the whole tool, including the handle, is made of metal; the end of the stem is then placed in leather discs or in a wooden handle. However, these shapes seem to be rare in our regions. [MOT]
Leather shears
Leatherworker's shears (approx. 20 cm), one blade of which is rectangular (approx. 8 cm by 1 cm). The jaws are always kept perpendicular to the material to prevent irregular cutting edges in the leather. [MOT]
Lawn wire rake
This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>
Increment borer
The age of a living tree can be determined with an increment borer. This hand tool is mainly used by the forest ranger, the arborist and the dendrochronologist. More technical information on the dutch version of this page. [MOT]
Lawn mower (hand)
This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>
Leg of lamb holder
This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>