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Thatcher's hook
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Hand brush
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Hand can seamer
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Hand bellows
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Jar wrench
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Jar opener
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Ice pick
Awl (approx. 20 cm long) used to break large blocks of ice into pieces. The awl is held at an angle of 45 ° and the tip is pushed into the ice to break it. This is continued until flakes of the desired size are obtained. An ice pick can also consist of six shorter awls (about 3 cm) next to each other at some distance so that it has a fork-like shape (1). [MOT] (1) According to BRIDGE & TIBBETTS: 55, this instrument would be used to sculpt ice.
Hay thief
The hay thief is used to pull a tuft of hay from the interior of a haystack or the hayloft. That sample can then be examined for condition and quality. After all, it is important to check whether the hay inside is dry, both for the nutritional value and for safety (self-ignition). The hay thief usually consists (1) of an iron rod (approx. 30 cm) ending in a point and fitted with a barb with a slightly curved point at approx. 5 cm from the end (2). The straight wooden stem measures approx. 80 cm. Sometimes the tool is made entirely of iron and the rod ends in an eye (3). [MOT] (1) According to DAVID 1973: 25 there are also completely wooden hay hooks. (2) SELLENS: 233 states that a hay thief can count two or more hooks. (3) Eg. DEVLIEGHER: 82.
Joiner's hammer
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