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Apple grater
Glass or ceramic oblong (approx. 20 cm by 10 cm) dish with studs in the shape of four-sided pyramids at the bottom. You can grate an apple on it to make fruit porridge. You can also use an ordinary kitchen grater. [MOT]
Stripping knife (greenhouse grower)
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Ampere clamp meter
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Puree strainer to mash potatoes.
Adjustable spanner
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Asparagus cutter
White asparagus (Asparagus Officinalis Liliaceae, variety Ultilis) are harvested with an asparagus gouge or an asparagus cutter (approx. 60-70 cm long). The latter has a flat leaf that extends towards the end, a leaf with a bent - possibly toothed - tip or a semicircular leaf (approx. 10-12 cm long), which is attached with a long (approx. 40 cm) tang in a wooden handle; the point is sometimes knotted. Asparagus is grown on high beds and is harvested just before the foliage comes to the surface, as when the head is exposed to light it quickly turns blue or green. With an asparagus gouge or knife it is possible to cut the stem close to the rhizome, without damaging these or not yet fully grown neighboring stems. See also the weed digger. [MOT]
Hand tool for punching holes in wood (1). It is a round or square, sometimes triangular metal tip of approx. 5-20 cm, which sticks into a wooden or plastic handle of approx. 10-15 cm. The Japanese awl (Japanese: tatsupu horuda) is cone-shaped and resembles the marlingspike. It is about 14 cm long and about 2.5 cm thick and has a wooden handle. In theory, the awl is not struck, except by hand. It is only used to make small and shallow holes, eg for screws. Not infrequently it replaces the scribing point. The basketmaker uses a similar awl, but with a blunt point (see basketmaker's awl). [MOT] (1) To punch holes in leather, the leatherworker uses a shoemaker's awl.
Asparagus gouge
White asparagus can be harvested with an asparagus cutter or an asparagus gouge. The latter has a gouge-shaped (approx. 3 cm wide; approx. 10-15 cm long) blade that is attached to a wooden handle with a long (approx. 20 cm) tang. White asparagus is grown on high beds and harvested just before the foliage comes to the surface, because when the head is exposed to light, it quickly turns blue or green. With an asparagus gouge or knife it is possible to cut the stem as close to the rhizome as possible, without damaging these or not yet fully grown, neighboring stems. [MOT]
Alligator wrench
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Apple-/potato peeler
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