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Chasing hammer
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Chipping hammer
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Cigar box opener
The cigar box opener is a manual tool with which one can open a cigar box. It has a flat, rounded, blunt blade with a small notch along the side, and a straight handle. With the rounded end you cut the paper band around the lid of the box loose and with the notch you pry the nail loose. In some models there is also a hammer head present to hammer the nail back in. Sometimes the cigar box opener is combined with a cigar cutter. The same tool is used to open boxes with scoops (1). The cigar box opener can also be part of a pocket knife. [MOT] (1) Paul Duflos. Outillage pour le travail du bois. Tariff No. 5. 1920: 13 marteaux-couteaux pour primeurs.
Claw hammer (carpenter)
The claw hammer is a hammer - very similar to the farrier's shoeing hammer - with square or round face, of 300-900 gr, with a split pin. The claw is used to pull out nails (1). To do this, the carpenter takes his hammer with the iron under his hand, places the nail in the tapered crack and pulls back the handle. Due to the force exerted on the joint, it is often reinforced by two springs. See also this hammer of the carpenter. [MOT] (1) The double claw - two claws one above the other - occurs only exceptionally (eg SLOANE: 99). It was probably used to pull out long nails.
Club hammer
Heavy metal hammer (up to 15 kg) with long handle (up to approx. 80 cm) suitable for various purposes. This tool is used by many craftsmen, the quarry worker uses it to drive wedges into the rock. It can be distinguished from the mash hammer which is lighter and has a shorter handle. [MOT]
Clog maker's mallet
The clog maker's hammer is a heavy, round wooden hammer with a short handle. It is used to hit the clog maker's gouge and thus roughly cut out the interior of the clog. [MOT]
Crandall hammer
Hand tool of a stonecutter to hammer away the irregularities on a hard stone face. It is composed of a number of pointed irons, held together in a bracket with a locking wedge. The handle can be wood or metal. Since the irons are easily exchangeable, they can be individually sharpened or forged. This hand tool is no longer actively used. (1) See also the bush hammer. [MOT] (1) Due to the excessive dust formation, it would already be prohibited in the Netherlands in 1921. See JANSE 1997: 26.
Dinging hammer
Hammer (approx. 350-500 gr) that is used to dent the body of a car. It has a relatively long (approx. 15-20 cm), narrow cylindrical head of which one end forms a widened circular shape. The other end can be tapered, spherical or square. See also the body file.
Embossing hammer
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File cutter's hammer
Description under construction... For more information about this tool, see the dutch version of this file.