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Bending spring
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Belt plier slot punch
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Beet topping hoe
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Bilberry picker
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Bell drill
This is a gimlet with approx. 40 cm long bit to drill through door frames when an electrical wire has to be inserted. It is useful in relatively light materials such as plaster and wood for door frames, ceilings, walls and floors. Especially in the period of electrification, this drill was widely distributed, for the installation in existing buildings of a telephone, a doorbell or for internal calls for staff or visitors. [MOT]
Bleacher's shovel
Wooden, long (approx. 2-2.15 m) gutter-shaped shovel with which the bleacher sprayed the linnen - which was spread out on the meadow - with water from the ditch. The combination of the sunlight, the grass on which the linnen was laid and the water made the gray linnen white in colour. In Germany a copper spoon which somewhat resembles the liquid manure scoop, or a watering can was used for this purpose (1). See also the mud scuppit. [MOT] (1) "Die grosse Wäsche'': 161.
Bill hook
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Beet loading fork
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