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Welt knife
The welt knife is a shoemaker's hand tool that evenly cuts the overhanging leather on the sole. It has an S-shaped curved top with a cut and a small protrusion of a few millimeters at the head end, fixed in a wooden handle. The blade can also have a bent edge on one long side. In some models the working part is protected with a wooden sheath. See also the welt cutter. [MOT]
Glazing lever
The glazier can easily lift a large window with a glazing lever. It has a stem (approx. 20 cm) with a rectangular, thick (approx. 2-3 cm) blade with one straight and one sloping side attached to it. The tool is slid under the glass with the sloping side down; once under the glass, the stem is pushed down and the glass comes up. The glazing lever can be monoxile or plastic with a wooden handle. [MOT]
Furrier's nail comb
Steel furrier comb with coarse teeth (approx. 1 cm long; approx. 2 mm wide) and a wooden handle. The comb is used to loosen the piece of skin that has been nailed to a wooden board to dry. Such a fur nail fits just between the teeth of the comb, so that the nail can be lifted out of the board. The point of the comb is kept flat on the board and with the right hand one makes an upward movement along the nails. The fur is prevented from being stretched by holding back the skin with the left hand when removing the nail. See also the furrier's comb and seal comb. [MOT]
Billiard table iron
To smooth a billiard cloth, one can use a billiard table iron. This is a full metal iron with a thick (approx. 3-4 cm) rectangular (approx. 25 by 10 cm) blade and a U-handle. It resembles the solid metal iron that people used to use at home, but it is much heavier (approx. 7-8 kg). The carpenter sometimes used a billiard iron as a glue iron. [MOT]
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This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>
Wire salad basket
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This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>
Bench hammer
Hammer of various shapes, some models of which are very similar to a joiner's hammer. The peen, which can be at right angles to or in the same direction as the stem, is wedge-shaped or has been replaced by a sphere. The tool weighs between 100 and 1300 g. The bench fitter, but also the blacksmith, the car repairer and even the joiner use the bench hammer for all kinds of work. The silversmith uses a bench hammer with a convex peen to knock the inlay metal into place in so-called parquet (1). To be distinguished from the forging hammer which is heavier. See also the whetting anvil. [MOT] (1) Technique in which molds of different metals are placed in a closely contiguous "patch pattern".