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The cask-scrub is a brush used in a brewery to sand and wash the barrels on the inside. The working part is made of heather, baleen, etc. and attached to a wooden handle (approx. 100 cm). [MOT]
Bullnose plane
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Carpet sweeper
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Cauterizing iron
After the tail of draft horses has been cut with a docking iron, the wound is burned with a cauterizing iron. To stop the bleeding, the heated iron is pressed against the wound with the ring-shaped end for 8-10 seconds so that it fits over the slight bulge of the tailbone. If necessary, this operation is repeated until no more blood escapes. [MOT]
Carved wooden cookie mould
Wooden board with one or more carved figures - such as a drunkard, jester, Saint Nicholas, etc. The dimensions vary from 10 to 75 cm. First, the mould is sprinkled with rice flour or brushed with oil and then the dough is firmly pressed into the mould, cut and beaten to be able to bake it in the oven. The result is a gingerbread cookie, called 'speculaas' in the low countries, or a brown, very chewy cake of rye flour and syrup. [MOT]
Caulking iron
This text on the caulking iron can only be consulted in Dutch. [MOT]
Chain with square or S-shaped links that is shaken in a barrel to clean it. Often a weight is attached to one end and a wooden or iron toggle to the other. Sometimes the links can be covered with horsehair (1). [MOT] (1) Eg. fig. 30 in QUICKE: 67.
Cement jointer
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Chain hook
The chain hook is an approx. 80 cm long iron hook with a T or ring handle, with which heavy (anchor) chains can be transported on ships or in the harbor, for example during a check. When the vessel is stopped by a chain when launching a boat, the worker at the capstan catches that chain with the aid of two shorter chain hooks (1). [MOT] (1) FROST: 140.
Centre punch
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