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Plumber bobbins
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This weeding finger cot is a metal sleeve (approx. 10 cm long) with a rounded plate at the bottom. It can be slid over the index finger to remove weeds and moss. It is especially suitable for working between tiles and stones or when there is little space between the plants. See also the gardener's moss scraper. [MOT]
Alum stone clip
If you want to rub the skin with alum after shaving, you can clamp the alum stone in a special clip. It has a jaw with a right-angled edge with triangular teeth, which is adjustable by means of a screw. [MOT]
This bit consists of a metal pipe (diameter approx. 0.5-1 cm) - sharp on one end and with a handle or a crank on the other end - to cut circles, hearts, etc. as decoration on the clogs. It is pushed onto the clog, never beaten like the leatherworker's punch. [MOT]
Tonsil elevator
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This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>
Bolt cutters
With these heavy duty wire cutters you can cut reinforcing bar. The military uses a folding model to cut heavy wire or fencing. More technical information on our Dutch pages. [MOT]
Boot jack
The boot jack is a wooden or metal (now also plastic) tool for easy removal of boots. Usually it consists of a fork-shaped branch or plank (approx. 25-30 cm by 10 cm). Underneath there is a cross wood or a metal support so that the fork or the notch is about 5 cm above the ground. The whole can also be made of metal. The back of the one boot is inserted into the fork-shaped end and the other foot is placed on the board. Another model consists of a plank into which an opening in the shape of a foot has been cut (1). There is also a foldable model where the shelf is hinged in the middle so that it can be taken with you on a journey more easily. The boot jack can be combined with a brush or a boot hook. [MOT] (1) ARMINJON & BLONDEL: 336 write that this model can be provided with a hinged long handle that can be grasped as a support.
Board cutter
The board cutter (1) is a hand tool for cutting softboard plates. The shape is reminiscent of a plane, but it is not one. In most models, a guide is provided in the center, in which a blade can be attached at an angle. A hollow space is provided for this purpose. The whole is fastened with lateral screws. Board was a popular building material in the 1950s and 1960s and consists of sheets of pressed fibres, used, among other things, as ceiling panels. With a board cutter one could cut plates to size and cut a bevel to obtain a V-shape between two connected plates. [MOT] (1) The proper name in English is yet unknown.
Boot hook
A sturdy metal hook (approx. 10-23 cm) with a wooden, bone or metal T-handle (sometimes a ring, see boot jack) with which to put on high boots. Sometimes a button hook and a punch were forged on the end of the T-handle (1).The boot hook is inserted into the strap that is attached to the top of the boot; then the foot is put into the boot and the boot is put on. When the boot has two straps, two boot hooks can be used.The hook may have a decorated shank or a spherical button on the end to prevent the hook from slipping out of the strap; some are foldable.A boot jack can be used to take off boots easily. [MOT](1) David Stanley Auctions. 65th international auction 28th March 2015: 11.