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This cabinet wrench is a three or square, narrowing Exagonal key, sometimes combined with one or more socket wrench(es), also with a screwdriver, with which doors and locks of cabinets etc. in carriages or ships can be opened or tightened. Construction workers such as the locksmith, carpenter and painter sometimes use a this wrench when there is no door handle in the lock, eg on a construction site. There are foldable models. The wrench also comes as part of a folding knife for construction workers. [MOT]
Striking wrench
Heavy-duty wrench (approx. 17-50 cm), respectively a ring- and open-end spanner, made of shock-resistant spring forged steel or chrome vanadium and with a widened end, used for firmly tightening and loosening nuts on heavy machines. This is done by hitting the side of the end with a club hammer or pneumatic hammer. [MOT]
Ham trier
The smell is an important criterion when inspecting dried ham. The ham trier (1) is used for this, an awl-shaped tool made from the fibula of a horse, which is porous and therefore absorbs the odors. The horse bone is inserted into the ham in certain places and the smell is then sniffed by the inspector, who tastes the aromas of the ham in the throat. [MOT] (1) SELLENS: 203 shows a hand tool with the same purpose but with a stem. The material is not mentioned. No other English equivalent found. In French the Latin word spilatula is used. Italians speak of 'ago d'osso di cavallo'.
Spatter sieve
The spatter sieve is a tool for spattering paint with a stencil brush. For example, "spat a leaf, i.e. place a plant leaf on a paper and then sprinkle watercolor on it through a metal mesh (spatter sieve); afterwards, the shape of the leaf has remained white and the paper around it is finely speckled." (1) It consists of a small (approx. 13 by 8 cm) metal sieve (mesh width approx. 1 mm) with a short (approx. 5 cm) metal wire handle. [MOT] (1) Dictionnary V.D. (Van Dale)
Starter wrench
Double 12-sided ring spanner at the end of an arc-shaped rod. The shape of that rod makes it possible to loosen and tighten hard-to-reach nuts. The starter wrench is available in different sizes (10-22 mm). [MOT]
Magneto wrench
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Bicycle alligator wrench
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This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>
Scythe key
Square exagonal key that loosens or tightens the ring that attaches a scythe blade to the stem. A string can be threaded through the hole on the end of the lever. The scythe key comes in a single size. [MOT]