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Chopping block
Meat and vegetables can be chopped on a cutting board or a chopping block. The latter is a cross-sawn piece of tree trunk (approx. 30-60 cm diameter; approx. 13-50 cm thick) - often the hole in the tree - possibly with three legs underneath. Usually it is made of beech wood. [MOT] 
Chocolate truffle mould
This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>
Chimney crook (saw)
This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>
Chip carving knife
This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>
Cleaving knife
The cleaving knife is an all-metal hand tool for splitting short standing logs. It is a rectangular iron (20-50 / 5-10 / 0.5-1.5 cm) of which one long side is sharp and the other is extended by a co-plane rod (approx. 10-15 cm) which serves as a handle. The craftsman, eg the clog maker or the cooper, places the tool on the cross-section of the piece to be split and hits it with a froe-maul. The splitting wedge is mainly used for splitting long horizontal pieces, unlike the cleaving knife and the splitting wedge with handle. [MOT]
Clog maker's gouge
This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>
Clinch groover
Clinch groover of a shoeing smith
Clog maker's axe
The description of the axe of a clog maker is available in Dutch.
Clog maker's mallet
The clog maker's hammer is a heavy, round wooden hammer with a short handle. It is used to hit the clog maker's gouge and thus roughly cut out the interior of the clog. [MOT]
Clinch cutter
The text on the clinch cutter of a shoeing smith can only be consulted in Dutch. [MOT]