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V-shaped chisel
This pointed chisel is a V-shaped flat turner chisel with one bevel for turning out a groove. [MOT]
Waiter's knife
Composite tool typically chosen by the professional wine waiter to uncork bottles. It consists of a corkscrew and a knife that can be folded out. Sometimes there is also a bottle opener that also serves as a support point for the lever. It then rests on the neck of the bottle when the cork is pulled. The neck lead can be cut with the knife. A curious model contains a folding lever (1). A newer model works with a rack and spiral. There is also a retractable blade to cut the neck lead. See also the pocket knife. [MOT] (1) WATNEY & BABBIDGE: 71, fig. 62.
Wallpaper knife
With the wallpaper knife you can easily cut along the plinth and ceiling, along door and window frames, around switches and the like while applying wallpaper, just like with a paper hanger's casing knife. The handle and holder of this hand tool consist of one piece. A replaceable razor blade is clamped in the holder (4.5 cm by 2 cm) using one or more metal plates and a screw. The handle is made of wood, aluminum or plastic. See also the paper hanger's knife. [MOT]
In the past, washing was done by hand. After cooking the laundry, each piece was soaped with finely grated soap (see soap shaver) and rubbed clean. This is only possible with the hands, but one can also use a laundry scrubber and a washboard, i.e. a ribbed board, later a galvanized plate (approx. 40-60 cm long; approx. 30-50 cm wide). See also the laundry beater. [MOT]
Wafer iron
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Washer cutter
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Walking stick with fork
This text about the walking stick with fork (1) can only be consulted in dutch. (1) Proper name unknown.
Washing paddle
This text on the washing paddle can only be consulted in Dutch.
Watch case opener
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Whetting anvil
Small anvil for the whetting (sharpening) of scythe or flemish scythe. The whetting anvil is an iron pin tapering downwards, with a flat square steel head (approx. 3-5 cm). Sometimes the head is also wedge-shaped or both shapes are combined. Approximately in the center of the pin is an opening through which an iron or wooden cross pin protrudes to prevent the whetting anvil from being driven too deep into the ground during the bristle. In our regions, the mower sits on the ground, with the whetting anvil between the legs. The scythe is placed on the anvil and hit with a hammer. With a whetting hammer on the flat-headed hair shovel, with a bench hammer on the wedge-headed hair shovel. [MOT