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Salad tongs
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Rubber (furrier)
Wedge-shaped wooden hand tool (approx. 10-12 cm long; approx. 7-10 cm wide) with a blunt metal or horn blade, sometimes with rounded corners, fixed in the narrow tapered end. The furrier uses the expanded wood to flatten seams (see also seam rubber), smoothly rubbing nailed material and stretching the wetted sheets. It is handled with the right hand while holding the skin with the left hand. [MOT]
Rush holder
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Sailor's knife (folding)
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The description of the roundel can only be consulted in dutch.
Sail hook
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Skew chisel
Chisel with one bevel at an angle to the axis of the tool and not perpendicular as with the regular chisel. The skew chisel makes it easy to work in the corners. Especially the joiner and wood engraver use this relatively rare chisel. The tool can be distinguished from the hook and side tool which has two bevels. [MOT]
Side round and side hollow plane
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Side rabbet plane
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Rounded wedge
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