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Riffler rasp / Riffler file
Riffler rasps and riffler files come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes (approx. 12 to 50 cm) and coarse. Usually both ends of the tool have a curved active part, but there are also models with a handle. The curved shape makes it possible to finish complex profiles and hard to reach corners and curves in wood, stone, plaster and metal. [MOT]
Ring dog
The ring dog is a heavy (1.5-4.5 kg) (1) pointed hook with one or two loose ring (s) (diameter approx. 11-15 cm; entire length 30-50 cm) to tilt trunks, to loosen a tree that has fallen on top of the other and sometimes to pull small stumps out of the ground (2). A wooden stake (1.50-2 m) is inserted into the ring with one end on the trunk. When it is pushed upwards, the point of the hook first protrudes into the wood, then the trunk tilts. When the latter could roll back, two men work together: the first holds back the piece while the other grabs it again. There are also adjustable models. The ring dog is mainly used in the forest. The cant hook is used at the workplace. See also the sappie. [MOT] (1) HILF: 407. (2) GAYER & FABRICIUS: 168; BOUCKAERT & POSKIN: 29.
Rattail file
The rattail (1) is a cone-shaped or cylindrical file or rasp. The first is to sharpen some saws with large teeth, eg a pit saw, the second is to clean small holes or arcs.This hand tool can be distinguished from the drill saw. [MOT] (1) Also ramasse (e.g. N.L.I.) to indicate the long cylindrical rasp that widened the cavity for the ramrod of the rifle
Rescue knife
The rescue knife is an S-shaped or hooked (1) blade with an inside edge and a knotted point, which is used by firefighters, emergency services, rescue teams at car races, on rescue fleets, etc. to open or remove clothes, belts or ropes. by cutting. The cut is on the inside and the tip is knotted so as not to injure the victim. Often the knife sticks in a sheath that can be attached to the belt. See also the window-smasher, the seat belt cutter and the twine knife. [MOT] (1) SCHAERER: 626.
Ring eye pliers
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Recorder brush
Long (approx. 20 cm), narrow brush with short (approx. 2 cm) woolen threads twisted between an iron wire. The recorder brush is used to dry the condensation in the inside of the flute (hole) after playing. The core gap can simply be blown dry. [MOT]
Rebate plane
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Radish decorator
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Ring rounding tool
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Ring spanner
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