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Hoof nipper
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Honey dipper
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Knife sharpener
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Knife cleaner
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Key for safety fuse type DIAZED
More technical information on our dutch pages. See also these safety fuse pliers. [MOT]
Jack plane
The Jack plane is a planer with a square, 50-60 cm long block, with handle, without turning chisel. It is the first plane used to smooth a piece of wood. Since it is intended for rough work, the edge of its chisel is slightly rounded. Then the wood is processed with a jointer plane. [MOT]
Knife (square paving-tile maker)
With this knife, the tile maker cuts off the excess clay around the tile mould.The hand tool consists of a thin rectangular trapezoidal iron blade with a cylindrical wooden handle at the top of the short side. The cut is always longer than the mould.This knife is not used for cutting, but is pushed diagonally forward and down along the side of the tile mould. [EMABB]
Read the article on continental jiggers of the carriage maker.
Knife board
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Key for soil auger
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