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Grain shovel
The grain shovel is a wooden shovel (approx. 150 cm long) used to stir the grain and to scoop it into the winnowing machine and bags. See also grain scoop and grain scoop bin. To be distinguished from the mould board shovel. [MOT]
Grafter's froe
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Grape knife
A miniature pruning knife (approx. 15 cm) with a short blade (approx. 4-5 cm) with which grapes are harvested. Not infrequently, the end of the suture forms a ring where the little finger can be inserted. The knife is mainly used in the Bordelais area. [MOT]
Grain scoop
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Stone-dressing axe
Axe-shaped tool with one, usually two axe-shaped, straight cutting edges that are in the same plane as the handle (approx. 40-60 cm), for working natural stone. The cutting edge has an angle between 10 ° - for working soft stone types - and 40 ° for hard stone types. The stonemason uses this dressing axe mainly to remove the excess material from soft stones. It is also used to flatten natural stone after it has been roughly worked with the stone-dressing pick or the pointed chisel, as well as in finishing to give the stone a ribbed appearance (see also charring chisel). [MOT]
Hay knife
The hay knife has a 50 to 100 cm long blade with cut, which can be serrated; when teeth are present, it is called a hay saw. Both the knife and the saw serve to cut compressed hay, but also manure or silage forage, into pieces with a vertical movement. [MOT]
Hinge chisel
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Hedge shears
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Hay hook
Hand tool used by the farmer to move bales of straw. It is a hook-shaped iron with a ring as a handle. Distinguishable from the cotton hook which is lighter and usually shorter. [MOT]
Hollow auger
This text can only be consulted in Dutch. [MOT]