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Drain ladle
To lay drainage pipes, a trench is first dug one or two stitches deep (and approx. 50-60 cm wide) with the garden spade and the spade. After the loose soil that the spade has not been able to absorb has been removed with a masonry shovel, also with a kind of flat drain laddle, the trench is brought to depth with the narrow drain spade. Finally, with the drain laddle, the bottom of the trench is finished very accurately and at the required slope, so that the pipes can be placed on it (see pipe layer); the worker is standing next to the slot. [MOT]
Dumbbell spanner
This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>
Egg slicer
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Egg beater
This kitchen utensil serves to whisk egg whites and the like. It is considerably lighter and faster than with a regular wire whisk. See also the spiral whisk and mayonnaise whipper. More technical information on the Dutch version of this page. [MOT]
Egg lifter
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Egg poacher
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This text can only be consulted in DutchSee also the fish spear.
Egg tongs
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Eel tongs
This text on eel tongs can only be consulted in Dutch. [MOT]
Curved knife
The curved knife of a basket maker is very similar to the pruning knife but with a fixed and usually shorter (5-8 cm) blade. It is used just like the pruning knife by the basketmaker to cut a twig (1) (see also pruning shears); by the plumber and roofer to cut lead sheets (2); by the saddler to cut out leather. A curved knife is also used for cutting oilcloths. See also the linocutter and pocket knife. [MOT] (1) A basket maker's cleaver cut in the suture of the curved knife is exceptional (BOUCARD: 81). (2) Also called plumber's knife or lead knife (VAN HOUCKE 1901-1902: 450). It is usually a folding knife.