Water is vital for both people and animals, yet before the introduction of
the well-known tap water, people had to resort to wells. This well water
was used for a wide range of purposes: to drink, to prepare meals, to wash
the dishes, to water the cattle, to clean, etc. But next to its domestic
value, water was and still is a crucial component in the industry as well:
just think of breweries, tanneries, ice- and lemonade factories, etc. You
can also find wells in these industrial sites. Until recently, the water
well was actually a very important aspect of daily life. It was only after
the general distribution of modern water supplies in the second half of the
twentieth century that the use of wells rapidly declined. Only a few
decades ago, water well systems were still an integral part of the
landscape. Unfortunately, more and more wells fell into disrepair and many
of them were demolished. In many cases the well shaft remained, but the
well was covered. Not only the architectural heritage...