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Making bread dough
Baking the bread The dough balls are put in the oven in rows using a baker’s peel. They cannot be put right up against one another as the dough will still expand. They must not touch the walls either as they will burn. The bread has to be put in quickly, as the first ones will start baking while the others are put in. Furthermore, the baker has to act quickly to prevent the oven to cool down. A little flour on the baker’s peel stops the dough balls sticking to it. When the bread is in the oven, the oven door is closed to keep in the heat and also the steam. While baking, some of the water in the dough evaporates. This vapour “settles” on the bread as the oven cools, giving the bread a soft crust. The baking time depends on the weight of the bread and the type of grain used: white bread: around one hour rye bread, wholemeal bread: 1.5 to 2 hours flan: around a quarter of an hour (= the last quarter hour before the bread is ready)
Binding faggots
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Forge marks in Belgium: bibliography Aux Forges de Vulcain 1914: Aux forges de Vulcain. Meubles et casiers métalliques brevetés "Estler". Appareils de rangement pour ateliers et magasins. Meubles tourniquets et "Noa". N° 20 supplément, Paris. Aux Forges de Vulcain s.d.: Aux forges de Vulcain. Emile Chouanard. Plus de 2.000 machines-outils en stock et en constrution, Paris. Aux Forges de Vulcain s.d.: Aux forges de Vulcain. Emile Chouanard. Nos machines-outils disponibles, Paris. Aux Forges de Vulcain 1917: Aux forges de Vulcain. Emile Chouanard. Liste des machines-outils en stock et en construction, Paris. Aux Forges de Vulcain s.d.: Aux forges de Vulcain. Emile Chouanard. Nos machines - outils de précision disponibles. Tours parallèles "Pax", Paris. Aux Forges de Vulcain s.d.: Aux Forges de Vulcain Société Anonyme. Nos Machines - Outils Disponibles, Paris. BLAUW, W. 1994: Friese schaatsenmakers. Van ambacht tot industrie, Franeker. BLAUW, W. & OEGSTGEEST & LOCHER, G.W. 1999: Schaatsenmakers...
Forge marks in Belgium
All kinds of identifying marks: symbols, letters or numbers, can often be found on tools. These marks may refer to the manufacturers (e.g. Paul Dubois’s La guêpe (wasp)), or to the place where the piece was made (e.g. Gembloux). They emphasize the quality (e.g. acier garanti (guaranteed steel)) or a property (e.g. inoxydable (stainless)); warn that there is a patent pending or in existence; record the name of the object; even give an indication of how to use it, etcetera. In addition there may also be marks of ownership or embellishment.
Water is vital for both people and animals, yet before the introduction of the well-known tap water, people had to resort to wells. This well water was used for a wide range of purposes: to drink, to prepare meals, to wash the dishes, to water the cattle, to clean, etc. But next to its domestic value, water was and still is a crucial component in the industry as well: just think of breweries, tanneries, ice- and lemonade factories, etc. You can also find wells in these industrial sites. Until recently, the water well was actually a very important aspect of daily life. It was only after the general distribution of modern water supplies in the second half of the twentieth century that the use of wells rapidly declined. Only a few decades ago, water well systems were still an integral part of the landscape. Unfortunately, more and more wells fell into disrepair and many of them were demolished. In many cases the well shaft remained, but the well was covered. Not only the architectural heritage...
Tips for photographing forge marks and printing on paper
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Forge marks in Belgium: search by smith's name translation under construction Hier komt u in een lijst van alle Belgische smeden/fabrikanten. Mogelijk zit hier ook een verdeler tussen. Indien u een vraagteken ziet, hebben we de smid nog niet kunnen identificeren. Aanvullingen zijn steeds welkom op . Soms gebeurt het dat na identificatie de smid uit het buitenland afkomstig blijkt te zijn. Ook die namen worden opgenomen. Klik op een naam om de bijhorende fiche te openen. Snel zoeken kan via de toetsencombinatie "Ctrl-F". Met de "enter"-toets kan je snel alle zoekresultaten overlopen.