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Proverbs and sayings: Transport This text can only be consulted in Dutch.
Book "Bouwen om te bakken"
Book - Bouwen om te bakken This text can only be consulted in Dutch.
A temporary bread oven
Making a temporary bread oven
Measurements of the substructure
Measurements of the substructure Size of the substructure Now that we know the size of the oven floor and the shape of the vault, we can calculate the measurements of the substructure: For the length we need the sum of: the thickness of the wall of the oven mouth (approx. 20 cm) + the length of the oven floor + the thickness of the vault ( approx. 20 cm) + the thickness of the insulation layer ( approx. 10 cm) + if necessary, the thickness of the outer wall ( approx. 20 cm), depending on if you close the rear side or not For the width we need the sum of: 2 x the thickness of the outer wall ( 2 x approx. 10-20 cm) + The width of the oven floor + 2 x the thickness of the vault ( 2 x approx. 20 cm) + 2 x the thickness of the insulation layer (2 x approx. 10 cm) + 2 x open space of minimally 1 cm between loam layer and outer wall Working height of the substructure The working height is equal to the height of the substructure plus the thickness of the oven floor. Usually it is between 80 cm...
Wooden molds
Wooden moldsmolds for an oven with a circular ground plan of 1.5 m diameter (from d'ORNANO: 65-67)
Layers of headers and strechers
Measuring layers of headers and strechers This text can only be consulted in Dutch.
How to cut brick into shape
How to cut brick into shape? This text can only be consulted in Dutch.
Concrete slab encasing
Concrete slab encasing This text can only be consulted in Dutch.
The covering loam
Preparing the covering loam This text can only be consulted in Dutch.
Sedimentation test
Sedimentation test This text can only be consulted in Dutch.