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Joseph Van Lierde. Chauffage. 7391-10
Bibliography Aperçu général des principales mesures prises pour améliorer le bien-être matériel et moral du soldat belge, Le Havre, 1918. Brood, een hele boterham! Brood en broodgraan omstreeks 1900. Syllabus voor de gidsen, Grimbergen, 1999. Brood. De geschiedenis van het brood en het broodgebruik in Nederland, Rotterdam, 1983. Brot ist Leben. Die Europäer und das Brot. Ausstellung, Vevey, 1996. Climats, voyages, nature, découvertes, 1995 nr. 3. De Bijbel - Willibrord vertaling, Boxtel, 1987. Desembrood bakken e.a. gistloos gebak, Hallaar, 1978. Elseviers culinair handboek, Brussel, 1981. Fours à pain. Recueil d'articles extraits de la revue "Maisons paysannes de France", Paris, 2002. Het boek der uitvindingen, ambachten en fabrieken. De voortbrengselen der aarde, Leiden, s.d. Ons kookboek, Leuven, 1943. Vitsen en lemen, Het Domein Bokrijk, 2002. AALDERS Willem, Metselen als ambacht en hobby, Den Haag, 1980. ALTINK J.R., Waterbouwkunde. V. Kanalen, rivieren en rivierwerken. Zeeweringen...
Loam covering
Covering the vault with loamThis text can only be consulted in Dutch.
Retaining walls
Retaining wallsThis text can only be consulted in Dutch.
Roof structure and roofThis text can only be consulted in Dutch.
Bread history
A history of bread
Recipes from Ons kookboek 1943 translation under construction Alongside everyday bread, many specialities and festive dishes were baked in bread ovens. We have included here a few old recipes for oven delicacies that were baked in the old days. You can still make them today. Delicious! apple roll When baking a cake, you can use the dough remains to make an apple roll. Also called in Flemish “kattekop” (cat’s head), “bollebuis”, “krollemol”, etc. Apple rolls were a pure indulgence for small children. There was always room in the oven for a few “krollemollen”. The recipe is simplicity itself.
How many loaves of bread?
How many loaves of bread do you want to bake in your oven? Before you start building your bread oven, you will first have to choose how many loaves you want to bake in one session. This is important for the measurements of the oven. The MOT designed a building plan for a good functioning oven, based on data from literature (see bibliography). We opted for a smaller bread oven in which you can bake about 8 loaves of bread (diameter approx. 25 cm; approx. 800 gr) in one session. Measurements of the oven ( from VANDENDAEL: 274):
Size and shape of the oven floor
Size and shape of the oven floor Dimensions of the oven floor The width of the oven floor is in theory equal to 3/4 of its length. Broader ovens are more difficult to heat; deeper ovens make the process of putting in dough balls and removing the baked loafs of bread from the oven, more difficult.
Building a bread oven
Building a bread oven There are many different ways to build a bread oven. Firstly, you can use various materials that each mason uses in a different way according to his preferences. Then there is the clients wishlist to be taken into account. Lastly, there are no detailed instructions to be found in manuals and as far as shape and building styles go, there are no rules. The MOT created this manual to help out people who want to build their own bread oven. Although our method serves as a guideline, we offer you a choice between different solutions whenever possible. You'll find a list of materials together with the quantities that you will need to build this type of oven. In terms of construction, we prefer to follow the most authentic building method, unless we think there are better and easier solutions at hand. You can find more information in the chapter additional information. We collected the information for this manual using books (see bibliography) and records of oven builders...