Here we give a table with the number of bricks and amount of mortar per m² measured for a half brick wall (1 stone wall = x2) in half stone bond, this is masonry that exclusively consists of stretchers, and with a joint width of 10 mm. Included is a chopping/breaking loss of brick of 3% and a prefab-mortar loss of 3%. With a traditional mortar you can count on 10% of mortar loss. (Data from Royal Assembly of Dutch Brick Factories and from Jozef Dockx)
Table of currently used Dutch/Belgian brick types and formats
Example for a "module 50" (see Moduul 50 in table above):
In order to get a wall in cross bond, divide the volume of the wall (expressed in cm³) (h x w x d) by the volume of the brick including joint. Add to this a cut and break loss of brick of 3 % and you will get the number of bricks necessary per m².
Example for 1 m²:
The principle of the calculation of number of bricks is applied to the oven floor.
Example (by means of building plan):
Place the bricks on their flat side on one square meter (100 x 100 cm) and count how many bricks can be placed horizontally and vertically: 5 bricks next to each other (5 x 19,3 cm = 96,5 cm) and 11 bricks on top of each other (11 x 9,3 = 102,3 cm).
By dividing the surface of the vault by the surface of the used brick you can estimate the number of fire bricks. ( or to be multiplied with the number of bricks/m² 1 brick wall)
Example (by means of building plan)