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??? What are these question marks doing here? These represent tools which we know by a Dutch or French term, but for which we couldn't find a proper English term. Suggestions are always welcome!

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Clinch groover
Clinch groover of a shoeing smith
Clinker tongs
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The hairdresser uses these clippers to thin or trim hair. The clippers combine the comb and the razor knife in one instrument. The handle is elongated (approx. 13 cm) and is made of wood, iron, aluminum or plastic. The razor blade is clamped in a holder consisting of two metal plates, at least one of which is comb-shaped. Handle and holder consist of a whole or are assembled. Sometimes the holder hinges open or is unscrewed so that a replaceable razor blade can be clamped in. In another model, the holder is square and completely made of plastic. In that case, two razor blades are clamped in the holder on either side. See also clippers for horses, dog dresser's knife and thinning scissors. [MOT]
Clippers for horses
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Clog maker's adze
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Clog maker's axe
The description of the axe of a clog maker is available in Dutch.
Clog maker's drill
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Clog maker's gouge
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Clog maker's heel knife
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Clog maker's mallet
The clog maker's hammer is a heavy, round wooden hammer with a short handle. It is used to hit the clog maker's gouge and thus roughly cut out the interior of the clog. [MOT]
Clog maker's sole knife
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Clog maker's timber scribe
Hand tool that is very similar to the timber scribe and the beam scribe and is used by the clog maker to decorate the clogs. See also hoof cleaning knife. [MOT]
Clog maker's toe knife
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Clogger's gripper
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Clogger's hollowing knife
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Clogger's paring knife
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Closer's hammer
Full metal shoemaker's tool (min. 13 cm long) with a swollen, cylindrical center piece; one end is circular, the other wedge-shaped. The middle part acts as a handle. The rapping hammer is used to smooth seams, by tapping one end and rubbing with the other, and to smooth wrinkles on the last. See also the seam rubber. [MOT]
Closer's welt plough
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Clothes beater
In order not to wear out the clothes by daily brushing, the dust can be knocked out. This was done with a wicker clothes beater (1), comparable to the carpet beater, or a kind of whip with mostly leather straps, which also served to knock out cushions. See also the clothes brush. [MOT] (1) Translation of the dutch word 'kleerklopper'. The proper name in english is yet unknown.
Clothes brush
The clothes brush is a brush that can be used to brush dust, fluff, etc. from clothes. It has short (approx. 2 cm), strong hair that is flexible enough not to damage clothes when brushing. See also the clothes beater. [MOT]
Club hammer
Heavy metal hammer (up to 15 kg) with long handle (up to approx. 80 cm) suitable for various purposes. This tool is used by many craftsmen, the quarry worker uses it to drive wedges into the rock. It can be distinguished from the mash hammer which is lighter and has a shorter handle. [MOT]
Coal scoop
Metal shovel with a flat or concave elongated blade (approx. 10-15 cm wide; approx. 20-25 cm long) with raised edges for scooping small amounts of coal into the stove. It can be made entirely of metal or have a metal blade attached to a wooden handle. It is often decorated and combined with the coal bin. See also coal scoop (brick maker) and charging shovel. [MOT]
Coal scoop (brickmaker)
During the firing of bricks in a ring kiln, small amounts of coal are added from above (see also coal funnel). This is done with a semi-cylindrical coal shovel.. See also coal scoop and coal shovel. [MOT]
Coal shovel
Shovel with broad blade and sloping edges, fitted with a wooden D-handle. The coal shovel is used by the coal merchant for shoveling coal. See also the charging shovel. [MOT]
Cobweb brush
Brush - sometimes made of goat hair - in the shape of a sphere or hemisphere or around a triangular bracket, attached to a long wooden or plastic handle that is often extendable (up to approx. 3 m) and is used to remove spider silk. [MOT]
Coffee mill
Roasted coffee beans can be finely ground with a coffee mill. It has grooved, cast iron grinding discs, which are set in motion by means of a rotating crank. The grinding mechanism of most coffee mills can be adjusted from coarse to fine with an adjusting screw. The coffee mill can have a square wooden housing with a rotating crank at the top and a drawer at the bottom where the ground coffee ends up (approx. 10-15 cm wide; approx. 20-26 cm high). The housing can also be cylindrical (approx. 8-10 cm in diameter; approx. 10-20 cm high) and made of metal. Another model is made of cast iron (approx. 12-27 cm wide; approx. 30-45 cm high) and is screwed to the edge of the table or counter. At the top there is a funnel where the coffee beans are placed; under the grinder there is a receptacle or a spout. In the latter case, a separate container must be placed underneath. The crank is located alongside. There is also a wall model. The painter uses a similar tool to grind pigments. [MOT]
Cold Chisel
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Collar joint flaring tool
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Combination pliers
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Comedo extractor
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Commander (basket maker)
For more technical information on this hand tool of a basket maker, you can visit the dutch version of this page. [MOT]
Communion wafel iron
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Compass race
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Compass saw
The compass saw is used to cut curved lines and especially to cut a hole in the center of a shelf. It resembles the handsaw but is shorter (approx. 20-30 cm) and has a much narrower blade (approx. 1.5-2 cm) that tapers to a point and is fixed in an open pistol grip or a straight handle. There are now small compass saws with straight metal handle in which the blade slides, so that the artisan can have the latter protrude just as much as necessary. The joiner drills a hole in the shelf and inserts the end of the saw into it. Despite the lack of rigidity, this saw usually works when pushing.The drill saw is used to perform the same operations with one hand tool. [MOT]
Concave plane
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Concreter's nippers
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Cone spanner
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Confectionary brush
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Cookie cutter
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Cooper's bottom chamfering plane
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Cooper's bow compass
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Cooper's bung-borer
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Cooper's chamfering drawing knife
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Cooper's chiv
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Cooper's handle-scraper
Primarily a painter's tool, the handle-scraper is sometimes used to scrape wood smooth, to clean the interior of a barrel, to finish pottery products, etc. It is usually a triangular metal plate (5-14 cm) with a metal rod in the middle of the surface that sticks into a wooden handle. One of the sides can be arcuate. The tool differs from the cooper's inshave drawing knife in that the direction of the blade and that of the machined part are perpendicular to each other. See also the putty scraper for glass and the foam scraper. [MOT]
Cooper's heading drawing knife
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Cooper's hollowing drawing knife
Drawing knife of which the blade is less or more concave but does not form a semicircle. The hollowing drawing knife is used when a lot of wood has to be removed from relatively wide pieces and to work concave surfaces. See also the strip drawing knife. [MOT]
Cooper's howel adze
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Cooper's inshave drawing knife
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