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??? What are these question marks doing here? These represent tools which we know by a Dutch or French term, but for which we couldn't find a proper English term. Suggestions are always welcome!

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Masonry drill
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Masonry shovel
Slightly concave shovel with straight cut, made of sheet steel. Usually there is no handle on the stem, but a T-handle also occurs. The sand shovel serves to move sand, gravel, crushed stone, etc. The archaeologist uses the sand shovel to scrape off very thin layers of soil to make the traces visible. See also the shovel. [MOT]
For those who have difficulty chewing, they have devised tongs that divide the meat into small pieces. The jaws of the masticator consist of three rods, which fit between each other. Two or three teeth prevent the chewed piece from slipping. A spring ensures the automatic opening of the hand tool. The rotating spindle can be removed to clean the pliers. [MOT]
Match striker
Stone pot (approx. 10 cm in diameter; approx. 10 cm high) in the shape of a truncated cone or sphere (approx. 7 cm in diameter), with a horizontally ribbed or rough outside along which a match is struck to make it catch fire (1). At the top of the pot there is a cavity in which the matches are placed upright. A saucer (approx. 13 cm in diameter) has been placed under the convex ironing pot to place the burnt matches on. [MOT] (1) That only works with old matches; today's safety matches will not catch fire if they are stroked over the ribs.
Mayonnaise whipper
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Measuring cup
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Measuring spoon
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Meat grinder
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Meat pounder
Kitchen utensil used to finely and tenderly beat fairly tough meat. It can be made entirely of wood and then resembles the laundry beater and the cork driver. It can also be metal; this heavier model (approx. 700-1200 gr) has a square blade that is flat at the bottom and has two sharp edges for trimming the meat after crushing. It can be made entirely of metal or stick in a wooden handle. See also the meat tenderizer and steak greith. [MOT]
Meat press
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Meat tenderizer
To tenderize meat, one can use a meat pounder or a meat tenderizer. The latter is a wooden hammer - porcelain or aluminum is sometimes used - with a cylindrical or rectangular head with solid, pyramid-shaped buttons on both sides. There are often larger buttons on one side than on the other; for thick and thin cuts of meat respectively. These buttons can be cut from the wooden head, but this can also be a stainless steel plate with buttons attached to the face. The head of the meat mallet can also have an axe, ice pick (1) or steak greith (2) on one side. Another model has a handle on top instead of a hammer handle. [MOT] (1) See ''The Stanley Catalog Collection 1855-1898'': 64, 241. (2) CAMPBELL: 87.
Meatball tongs
This text can only be consulted in Dutch. [MOT]
Melting ladle
A melting ladle is a small metal or porcelain fireproof spoon (approx. 15 cm long) with a pouring spout, which jewelers like the goldsmith or silversmith use to melt wax. The wax makes a positive model that - once solidified - will be used to make a negative cast; the again positive casting in this mold will show the original model in every detail. See also the melting pot. [MOT]
Melting pot
A melting pot or crucible is a container in which metal is melted for soldering or casting. To take it out of the fire, you use crucible tongs. In finer professions with small amounts of metal, such as the goldsmith and prosthetist, it is a small metal fireproof bowl (approx. 4-7 cm diameter) with or without legs, possibly with a handle and a pouring spout. Jewelers use a melting ladle to melt wax. In metal foundries, larger models of crucibles with a handle up to 1.5 meters or models without a handle are used, which are placed in a large foundry ladle and held by two people. [MOT]
Metal modelling tool
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Metal saw
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Milk skimmer
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Millstone pick
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Mincing knife
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Miner's axe
The mine timberer works all the mine wood with his axe. It is a hand tool of approx. 1 - 1.2 kg with usually a curved handle (approx. 40 cm), the edge of which (approx. 6 cm; the riveted iron is wider: approx. 9 cm) diagonally opposite the stem. The iron is made of one or two pieces. In the first case it is asymmetrical at the top and sometimes ends opposite the blade in a square hammer. In the other case, a rectangular blade is riveted to a U-shaped piece. The latter serves as an eye. [MOT]
Miner's saw
Although the miner's axe is mainly used for sheeting the mine galleries, a saw is sometimes used for this. It is a folding saw with a rigid, rounded blade (approx. 35-45 / 4-5 cm). This blade is attached to a straight handle of the same length by means of a spindle. The teeth enter the groove of the handle for transport. Sometimes, however, the blade is fixed. The handle is then shorter and the saw is carried in a wooden tube. [MOT]
Mitre plane
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Mitre saw
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Mitre shears
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Mortar hoe
Mortise axe, double
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Mortise axe, single
Single mortise axe of a carpenter. For more information see the dutch version.
Mortise chisel
The mortise chisel is a wood chisel with one bevel and a neck. Its iron is thicker than it is wide and usually tapers a bit at the wooden handle so that it does not get stuck. There are different widths, about 0.1 to 2 cm. The carpenter uses the chisel to cut out pinholes. The narrowest chisel (1-3 mm) makes it possible to dig a groove or very narrow holes, for example for a hinge (to be inserted). He is hit with the hammer. The turner also uses a chisel, but without a neck, to make grooves. See also the hinge chisel. [MOT]
Moss scraper
Hand tool with a flat and slightly L-shaped blade (approx. 7 cm by 7 cm) with a pointed tip, which has a fold on the back and front, and which is fixed in a wooden or plastic handle. It is used in the garden to remove dirt and weeds between tiles and stones (see also this tool); it can be used by pulling and pushing. With the back of the blade you can also scrape off soil from shovels or spades. See also this hand hook. [MOT]
Mould board shovel
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Mould for cardboard boxes
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Mould for roof tiles
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Mould for tiles
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Mould for ventilation tile / Mould for pigeon tile
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Moulding plane
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Moulding stamper
This text can only be consulted in DutchThe proper English name of this moulding tool is yet unknown.
Moulding trowel
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Mouth atomizer
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Mouth lyre gag
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Mud scuppit
Usually wooden (approx. 40-60 cm x 15-20 cm), sometimes iron (approx. 25x35 cm) shovel (1) with raised edges and T-handle (approx. 65 cm) and usually a leather patch on top of the (wooden) blade. Sometimes a second handle is provided at the bottom of the handle (2). The wooden shovel is usually monoxile (except for the T-handle). The bosom shovel is used to scoop water or dredge from a ditch or liquid manure from a barge (3), also, by the brick and tile baker, to pour water over the clay during the preparation of that raw material. See also drag net, bleacher's shovel and sand shovel (brickmaker). [MOT] (1) SIRAG: 50. (2) Larousse Agricole: 1.523. (3) V.A.W.P.: 1.433.
Mud-marking iron
This description of the mud marking iron can only be consulted in dutch. [MOT]
Mudguard punch
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Mushroom collecting knife
Anyone who harvests edible mushrooms in the forest or in a meadow, cuts them to the ground with a knife (except when it concerns agarics, which have to be dug out). One cleans them on the spot. There is a special pocket knife for this purpose, which is a compound tool, with a blade to cut off the mushroom stem and a boar bristle brush to remove soil and dirt; that brush may or may not be collapsible. On the back of the blade there are sometimes teeth to remove coarser dirt or, according to some, the outer layer of the skin (the 'cuticule') (1). [MOT] (1) (January 2021).
Mussel knife
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Mustache brush
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Mustard spoon
A small (approx. 10-15 cm long), spherical (approx. 1.5 cm diameter) wooden spoon with which mustard powder can be served (1). For serving mustard in pasta form, there are wooden, bone, ceramic, metal mustard spatulas or spoons. [MOT] (1) According to CAMPBELL: 126, this spoon is used as a salt spoon.
Myoma drawer
The myoma drawer is a manual tool consisting of a sturdy metal spiral and an annular or straight handle, with which the surgeon removes a myoma, i.e. a benign tumor consisting of smooth muscle tissue. To be distinguished from the corkscrew. [MOT]
Nail driver
With the nail driver you can drive small nails without a hammer. It consists of a metal hollow shaft with spring mechanism that sticks into a wooden or plastic handle. The nail is inserted into the hollow shaft. By giving a firm blow to the head - which is wider and rounded - by hand, the nail goes into the material in one movement. [MOT]
Nail extractor
Nail puller is a general term for different levers and pliers for pulling out nails. The heavy versions are used by the shipwright, the lighter ones mainly to open boxes. The lever can be compared to the crowbar. For the same purpose the pincers or claw hammer are used by the carpenter. [MOT]